In every field, there are some bad ideas that just won't die. In medicine, you have ideas such as curing cancer by pushing bones around with chiropracty. In the audio world, people get suckered into searching for "oxygen free" cables to somehow make that song, recorded in 1973 onto an 8 track, sound perfect. In the field of computer security, one of my personal favorite bad ideas is to make a magic virus that, instead of going around doing bad things, will slip in through existing security holes and clean out other viruses, install patches, and turn on firewall rules for the poor uneducated users. Dan Geer is the latest one to tie some strings onto this zombie and make it dance around.
Now, to someone who's only vaguely familiar with computers, or is used to dealing with one or two systems, this may sound like a good idea. I mean, who wouldn't love to have a magic program swoop in and clean house like an uber-l33t Mary Poppins with a keyboard? For added fun, Dan has added in an extra twist. Rather than the usual infection vector of scanning around the network (just like the viruses that people don't like), Dan proposes that secure web sites should ask users if they want security. If they say "yes", pretend that they're obviously competent and should be trusted, and run as normal. If they say "no", pretend that they're obviously idiots and fling the magic pixie dust back at their computer that keeps the Big Bad Scary Hackers hiding under the bed.
Let's start with us poor slobs stuck actually supporting the reality of computers, often in the hundreds or thousands, rather than in the idealistic realm pundits love to live in. To us, the idea of some random local bank or knick-knack vendor actually running arbitrary code on machines we have to keep going is downright terrifying. Writing this kind of code is hard - really hard. Don't believe me? Just ask Microsoft, who managed to release a silent, unblockable patch to the automatic update system that in some casesstopped updates from being installed. And that was an update only applied to Windows XP machines at a minimum patch level - imagine trying to make something so complex perfectly reliable and secure on all patch levels of Windows 98, 2000, XP, and Vista, not to mention Mac OS and Linux!
What shall we poke at next? I know! How about assumption that this code that gets downloaded to the poor computer is somehow safe itself? I mean, the whole purpose of this magic program is to make things safe on already infected machines - easy, right? Hah! Just ask the folks who spent millions creating the content protection scheme used in Blu-Ray about the impenitrability of BD+. (I'll give you a hint - it's been cracked.) Fundamental computer security 101 - once the OS is compromised, it's pretty much game over for any other programs running on it. Half the viruses out there disable the most popular virus scanners; if this magical security bit becomes at all popular, there's no reason to think it won't be targeted as well.
Okay, I think we have time for one more, so let's make it a good one. Let's assume for a moment that Mr. Geer manages to hire Tinkerbell, ensuring an adequate supply of pixie dust to the magical program work as designed. How much would that actually accomplish?
- That single transaction - secured.
- Any time the user logs into another site with the same password - unsecured!
- Executables sent in email or instant message links - unsecured!
- Phishing emails telling users to type their passwords into malicious sites - unsecured!
- Malicious sites lurking on common typos of legitimate domains - unsecured!
- Users picking bad passwords - unsecured!
I could go on listing other things that this idea wouldn't protect against, but I think you can see the pattern. Even if this idea could somehow be made to work completely properly, it's pretty doubtful that it would make a substantial dent in the problem of securing the computers of unskilled end users.
Well, it's time for me to head off to bed, so I'll leave you with this closing thought. Let's stick with the assumption for a moment that someone does come up with some magic <make-it-secure> HTML tag you can stick onto any web page. Instead of trying to use a yes/no dialog box as an ouija board to guess whether the computer is secure or not, why not just use the damn thing on every sensitive page?
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